I love the exchange of information, ideas, and inspiration that the internet affords. The following are blogs and websites that I frequent.
Kendi Everyday (She is just too cool for school. I love her feminine, fun, and well-edited looks.)
We So Thrifty (I love it when a new post pops up on my Google Reader. Julie's humorous and reflective view of thrifting is fascinating and inspiring.)
The Freelancer's Fashion Blog (Ulrika: former harbor worker, burlesque dancer, designer, mom, vintage style plate extraordinaire. This Finnish export is worth a click.)
A Beautiful Mess (I wonder if Elsie and Emma need an extra sister like moi. These ladies take blogging to a new level. Between the photography, outfits, recipes, and cool projects, I basically want to live in their blog.)
Bleubird Vintage (Speaking of beautiful photography, "Miss" James's lifestyle blog is so inspiring that I find myself craving vintage children's books, Swedish clogs, and healthy snacks every time I pop over.)
I just may be inspired to put a little tree in my little brownstone...hmmmmm. Merry Merry looks very pretty.